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Weston General Hospital derogations - Trust statement from Chief Executive

Last updated: 12/04/2023

Professor Eugine Yafele, Chief Executive, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust said:

“The safety of patients is our top priority. When applying for the derogation we provided information requested by the BMA that accurately reflected our concerns about risk to patient safety, during what is a fast-moving situation. These concerns were supported by consultants providing cover.

“As part of our established operational planning for periods of industrial action we’ve been exploring all avenues for ensuring sufficient cover for key services over the course of the week, as well as each day responding to unplanned absences.  

“In doing so, we are very grateful to colleagues who have stepped in to provide medical cover, which has made the difference in ensuring that we have sufficient staffing without ultimately having had to draw on the derogations.”