What our priorities are and how we are doing - our strategy
Last updated: 25/07/2024
At UHBW we exist for one thing: to make a difference that matters to the lives we touch.
Over 15,000 staff, across 10 different sites, serving more than 500,000 people.
United by a single purpose. Helping to make our community a healthier happier place.
Where are we going?
Together, we are on a journey: To become the Trust that pioneers new standards for patients, staff and communities.
How are we going to get there?
By focussing on our people, by focussing on our patients and families, by focussing on our partnerships. We will listen to learn. Respecting every perspective. And we will collaborate and innovate to get things done.
We will approach every day, every decision and every moment with full-hearted care.
Bringing the same level of abundant care to our staff and community as we do to our patients and their families, to make a real difference that matters to every life we touch.

How we are doing – our performance – review against annual report
Delivery of our strategic priorities is monitored and managed through monthly Strategy Deployment reviews with our Senior Leadership Team and are reported to the Trust Board monthly.
Each division has a divisional board that monitors and manages its performance. The Trust-wide Service Delivery Group and Senior Leadership Team manage and monitor performance at a Trust-wide level.
The Trust Board receives a monthly performance report at each board meeting that provides information about external views of the Trust from ratings and scores published by the Care Quality Commission, NHS England; and our performance on clinical quality indicators, patient experience, access standards and workforce indicators.
Our performance is also monitored by local and national commissioners.