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Carers Charter

Last updated: 25/11/2020

Promoting a culture of supporting and working in partnership with carers within our hospitals

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) and North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) value the vital work done by those with unpaid caring responsibilities (referred to as ‘carers’ within this charter) and are committed to working together with them as expert partners in care.

A carer is someone who provides care for someone else who, due to illness, mental health problems, substance misuse, physical and learning disability, old age or frailty, is unable to care for themselves without their support. This charter includes young carers and parent carers.

Carers as equal partners

We will ensure that the role you have, as a carer, is valued by all staff and will make sure that we respect, listen to and understand carers and what they do. We will identify carers as early as possible.

Supporting carers

We will inform you as a carer of your right to an assessment under the Care Act 2014 and the Children & Families Act 2014, providing information about the range of support and advice services available to you as a carer. We recognise the importance of your needs being met and will support you to have breaks away from the ward when you need them.

Young carers

We will ensure that we involve young carers and will work to support you and recognise the valuable role you play in the health of our patients.

Sharing information

With the relevant consent obtained, we will provide information that is timely, appropriate and accessible. We will involve you in decision making, with the patient wherever possible, whilst respecting the need for confidentiality.

Having a voice

We will ensure that you have an easily accessible means of giving feedback, that this is responded to and that you are involved in the planning and development of our services.

Discharge planning

We will begin discharge planning as soon after admission as possible. We will help you understand the processes, including you in all discussions, respecting your detailed knowledge of what happens outside the hospital. With the relevant consent obtained, we will include you in all discussions on all aspects of care and medication. 

Hospital support for carers at our Bristol sites

Hospital support for carers at Weston General Hospital