Reports and publications
Last updated: 03/01/2025
At UHBW we strive to provide the highest standards of care and service for our patients and visitors.
We produce regular reports on our accounts, quality and performance, all of which can be found in this section.
Historic reports and publications for the Trusts which have merged to become UHBW can be found in the following links:
Trust Constitution
Each NHS Foundation Trust has the freedom to design its own Constitution. This is in accordance with the legislation that creates NHS Foundation Trusts as Public Benefit Corporations.
The UHBW Trust Constitution can be found on the following link:
Statement of purpose
Trust Annual Reports
N.B. The Annual Reports contains the Annual Audit Letter (see end of each document)
Sustainable development
Quality Accounts
Infection Prevention Control
Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
Guardian of Safe Working Hours
Quarterly reports
Annual reports
Freedom to Speak Up reports
Clinical Strategy
Experience of Care Strategy
Digital Strategy
Other Reports
Registers of Interests Report
A Register of Interests for our Board of Directors can be found here.
A live Register of Interests for our Trust can be accessed from this Civica Declare website link.
Key publications