Become a member of our Trust
Last updated: 12/08/2020
Becoming a member of University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust is a great way to support, find out more, or get involved in the work of our hospitals. Anyone can become a member if you are over seven and live in England or Wales.
As a member, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas about the way we deliver care to the people of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. You can be involved as much or as little as you like, from simply receiving newsletters and voting papers to joining our events and having your say on our services. It is absolutely free to become a member and you can opt out any time. As a member you can:
- Receive a monthly email newsletter with news from around our hospitals
- Receive invitations to our Trust events such as Health Matters Events
- Take part in focus groups and other activities to help improve services
- Vote in our Governor Elections to elect governors to represent your interests, or stand for election as a governor of the Trust
- If you're between 11 and 21 years old - join our Youth Involvement Group. You can find out more below.
To join the Trust please use the become a member form. Alternatively, if you would prefer us to send you a form in the post, or if you have any questions about membership, call the membership office on 0117 342 3764 or email
For details of how we use and look after your data, please read our privacy notice. By law we are required to make a register of our membership available to the public on request. This register shows the member's name and their membership type (i.e. public member), but not their address or any other personal details. If you wish to be taken off the public register, please get in touch with the Membership Office. Staff at UHBW are automatically already Foundation Trust members, unless they choose to opt out by emailing
Already a member? Have Your Say - Contact Your Governor
Public Members elect governors to represent their interests, and governors are keen to hear from members who have any feedback, ideas or suggestions about our services. If you are a member and would like to contact your governor about any issue, you can do this by emailing
Youth Involvement Group
The University Hospitals Bristol and Weston Foundation Trust Youth Involvement Group is a fun, pro-active group of young people aged between 11 and 21 years old. We are all Foundation Trust members and we meet monthly to discuss our ideas and things we would like to change in the hospitals which are part of UHBW.
We aim to listen to the young voices of the south west and help to improve the services available for young people.
If you would like to join the Youth Involvement Group or join as a Foundation Trust member please email