Doing research in UHBW
Last updated: 24/10/2023
We would like to support and encourage UHBW staff from all professions to understand research and get involved. Research underpins evidence-based changes to the care our NHS can provide, and we can all be part of it.
If you are interested in finding out what research is happening in your division with a view to getting involved, please contact the Research and Development (R&D) team via x20233 (0117 342 0233) or
If you are a researcher who wishes to set up a study where UHBW will be the host, please view further information about our processes or contact to find out who to contact in your division.
If you are a researcher who wishes to prepare and apply for a small grant, or for an NIHR grant, please email our research grants team at – and view further information about our processes.
If you are a researcher who would like UHBW to sponsor your research study please view our SOP 002 for further information about the sponsorship process. Details of how to request sponsorship are in section 6.1, and if you need further information you can email
Members of the R&D senior team are always happy to arrange to meet and talk about your ideas. We recommend that you work as part of a team, as this is invariably the most effective way of doing high quality research. We can put you in touch with others who may have similar or synergistic interests.
If you have not done any research in the NHS before and would like to find out more, call us on x20233 or email