If you need to get in touch with University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, you can do so below.
The Trust has one switchboard for calls relating to any of our services:
Tel: 0117 923 0000
Trust Headquarters
Marlborough Street
Please view more information on our hospital locations and travel advice here.
If it is a life-threatening emergency please call 999. If you need urgent medical help or advice, but it is not a life-threatening situation, please either visit 111.nhs.uk, go on the NHS App or call 111, free of charge, from a landline or mobile phone.
Change or cancel an appointment
If you need to change or cancel your outpatient appointment with us please complete this online form. This link will take you to an online form on our UHBW website.
Please note that this form can only be used to change or cancel existing outpatients appointments. It can't be used to book an appointment or for any other appointment type (e.g. day case). For Radiology or Oncology appointments, please do not use this form, instead call the number on your appointment letter or the main switchboard on 0117 923 0000.
Alternatively, please call the number at the top of your appointment letter.
Other useful numbers:
- For Bristol Eye Hospital appointments - 0117 342 4176
- For Bristol Dental Hospital appointments - 0117 342 4422
- For sexual health appointments - 0117 342 6900
- For MRI appointments and queries - 0117 342 7487
- For CT appointments and queries - 0117 342 9348
- For general ultrasound appointments - 0117 342 2621
- For general echocardiogram appointments - 0117 342 9343
- For nuclear medicine appointments - 0117 342 9238
- For gynae and obstetric ultrasound - 0117 342 5347
- For paediatric MRI appointments - 0117 342 7470
- For paediatric CT appointments - 0117 342 7471
- For paediatric ultrasound appointments 0117 342 8186
- For audiology hospital appointments - 0117 342 5854
- For vascular, urology, neurology and breast surgery appointments - call North Bristol NHS Trust on 0300 555 0103
- For the BRI appointment centre - 0117 342 6888
Audio guides to the Bristol Royal Infirmary emergency department
In partnership with the Bristol Sight Loss Council, we have developed a series of audio guides to help improve accessibility for blind or visually impaired people visiting the emergency department.
The guides describe what you will find during a visit and provide step-by-step instructions on how to make your way around the department and its facilities. Listen to the guides.
PALS and Complaints Team
The aim of the PALS and Complaints Team is to resolve any concerns, queries or questions that our patients, their families or members of the public raise with us about our Trust. Find out how you can contact the team here.
Tell us about your experience of our hospitals. You can leave a comment, request a call back from the PALS & Complaints Team or complete our hospital survey. Find out more here.
Contacting wards and departments
To contact wards and departments directly please choose the relevant ward or department from the Your Hospitals section.
Medical records
For information about how to make a Subject Access Request / request to access medical records, visit our Subject Access requests section.
For information about vacancies, work experience, apprenticeships, traineeships or volunteering please view our Work for Us section.
Employment references
For employment references for substantive staff please email: HRservices@uhbw.nhs.uk and for staff employed on the Bank please email: tsbadmin@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Clinical internships, clinical attachments, observerships, shadowing and honorary contracts
For information and requests relating to clinical internships, clinical attachments, observerships, shadowing and honorary contracts please email: honoraryrequests@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Medical electives
For information and requests relating to medical elective placements please email: MedicalStudentsElectives@uhbw.nhs.uk For general enquiries, medical students can also email: SouthBristolAcademy@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Nursing electives
For information and requests relating to nursing elective placements please email: talent@uhbw.nhs.uk
If you are a GP wanting to provide feedback please email: GPliaison@uhbw.nhs.uk.
For access to our children’s clinical guidelines, please visit here.
Supplier invoices
Please send any invoices to: payments@uhbw.nhs.uk.
If you have an enquiry about paying an invoice for any of our hospitals please use the UHBW Invoice Payment Form.
To make an advance payment for hospital care please use the Advance Payment For Hospital Care Online Payment Form.
Freedom of Information
For information about how to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request please visit our FOI section.
Information Governance
For information governance requests please email: informationgovernance@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Media enquiries
If you have a media enquiry relating to patients or services at the Trust's hospitals in Bristol or Weston, please email: pressoffice@uhbw.nhs.uk or call 0117 342 3629 during office hours (9am-5pm, Monday-Friday). Out of hours, an on-call press officer is available to respond to urgent media queries that cannot wait until office hours. To contact the on-call press officer, please ring the switchboard on 0117 923 0000. Please note that the Press Office inbox and team members' email accounts are not routinely monitored out of hours. Find out more on our Media Centre page.
The hospital has one switchboard for calls relating to our services:
Tel: 01934 636363.
Weston General Hospital
Grange Road
BS23 4TQ
If it is a life-threatening emergency please call 999. If you need urgent medical help or advice, but it is not a life-threatening situation, please either visit 111.nhs.uk, go on the NHS App or call 111, free of charge, from a landline or mobile phone.
Contacting Weston General Hospital about your appointment or treatment
If you are a patient in the care of one of our departments, you should be provided with appropriate contact numbers to enquire about your appointments.
If you haven't got a contact name and telephone number for the person or department you need to contact, please call the switchboard.
Alternatively, please call the number at the top of your appointment letter.
If you have an outpatient clinic appointment booked with UHBW at Weston but would like to change or cancel the date, please complete the Outpatients appointment cancellation and rescheduling form for Weston General Hospital. Please note that this form can only be used to change or cancel existing outpatient appointments more than 24 hours in advance, for same-day cancellations please call the number on your appointment letter or the main switchboard on 01934 636363.
Information about our services at Weston General Hospital.
Complaints, comments and concerns
Speak to our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) by calling the voicemail service on 01934 647216 or email PALSWeston@uhbw.nhs.uk. More information about the team can be found on the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) page.
Medical records
For information about how to make a Subject Access Request / request to access medical records, visit our Subject Access requests section.
For information about vacancies, work experience, apprenticeships, traineeships or volunteering please view our Work for Us section.
Employment references
For employment references for substantive staff please email: HRservices@uhbw.nhs.uk and for staff employed on the Bank please email: tsbadmin@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Clinical internships, clinical attachments, observerships, shadowing and honorary contracts
For information and requests relating to clinical internships, clinical attachments, observerships, shadowing and honorary contracts please email: honoraryrequests@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Medical electives
For information and requests relating to medical elective placements please email: MedicalStudentsElectives@uhbw.nhs.uk For general enquiries, medical students can also email: SouthBristolAcademy@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Nursing electives
For information and requests relating to nursing elective placements please email: talent@uhbw.nhs.uk
If you are a GP wanting to provide feedback please email: GPliaison@uhbw.nhs.uk.
If you have an enquiry about paying an invoice relating to Weston General Hospital please use the UHBW Invoice Payment Form.
To make an advance payment for hospital care please use the Advance Payment For Hospital Care Online Payment Form.
Supplier invoices
If you need to submit an invoice for payment relating to Weston General Hospital please email payments@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Freedom of Information
For information about how to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request please visit our FOI section.
Information Governance
For information governance requests please email: informationgovernance@uhbw.nhs.uk.
Media enquiries
If you have a media enquiry relating to patients or services at the Trust's hospitals in Bristol or Weston, please email: pressoffice@uhbw.nhs.uk or call 0117 342 3629 during office hours (9am-5pm, Monday-Friday). Out of hours, an on-call press officer is available to respond to urgent media queries that cannot wait until office hours. To contact the on-call press officer, please ring the switchboard on 0117 923 0000. Please note that the Press Office inbox and team members' email accounts are not routinely monitored out of hours. Find out more on our Media Centre page.