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COVID-19 General Information including visiting information for Bristol and Weston

Last updated: 14/12/2022
COVID-19 homepage Outpatient hospital appointments not including maternity Maternity services

COVID-19 homepage

Outpatient hospital appointments not including maternity

Maternity services


Share your experiences of our services during COVID-19


Share your experiences of our services during COVID-19

Please use the sections above to find out the latest information about visiting, outpatient appointments, maternity services, how to share your experiences of our services during COVID-19, and how share a message with your loved one in hospital.


In line with national guidance, we have eased our visiting restrictions on site.

This guidance is subject to change at short notice so please check this website for updates.

View the details in full:

Guidance on face masks

Before your visit

Please do not visit a patient in hospital if you feel unwell. This includes symptoms of COVID-19, sickness, diarrhoea, fever, sore throat or flu.

During your visit

You will be required to wear a surgical face mask (unless exempt) in some areas of our hospitals where stated. These areas will be clearly signposted and surgical masks will be available at the department entrance.

If you wish to wear a face mask in all areas of our hospitals, please do so.