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Your Accessibility Guide to UHBW NHS Foundation Trust is now available

Last updated: 16/05/2022

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) has worked with AccessAble to create Detailed Access Guides to facilities, wards, and departments at its sites.

The guides are 100 per cent facts, figures and photographs to help patients, visitors and staff plan their journeys to and around the hospitals, covering everything from parking facilities and hearing loops, to walking distances and accessible toilets.

All of the details in the guides have been checked in person, on site, by trained surveyors.

Professor Deirdre Fowler, chief nurse and midwife at UHBW, said: "We appreciate that everyone's accessibility needs are different and we want to be an inclusive organisation, which is why providing detailed, accurate information about our locations to patients and carers is so important."

The guides cover all of UHBW’s sites:

  • Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI)
  • Weston General Hospital
  • Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
  • Bristol Heart Institute
  • Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre
  • Bristol Dental Hospital
  • Bristol Eye Hospital
  • St Michael’s Hospital
  • Central Health Clinic.

They also cover South Bristol Community Hospital and Avon Partnership NHS Occupational Health Services at Whitefriars in Bristol.

The Access Guides have been generously supported by the Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity.

You can view University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust’s Accessibility Guides here: https://www.accessable.co.uk/university-hospitals-bristol-and-weston-nhs-foundation-trust.

The guides also available via the AccessAble App which is free to download from the App Store and Google Play, giving you accessibility information at your fingertips during your hospital visit.

UHBW joins over 70,000 places already covered across the UK, making www.AccessAble.co.uk a great tool not only for planning a hospital visit, but also a day out or trip away.

For more information about the project, please contact Ellen Ilott, senior partnerships manager at AccessAble, on 01438 842710 or email ellen.ilott@AccessAble.co.uk.


About AccessAble

AccessAble is the largest provider of accessibility information across the UK. Their website www.AccessAble.co.uk has Detailed Access Guides to over 70,000 venues, and is used by over 3 million people each year.

AccessAble’s Detailed Access Guides tell you all about a venue's access – hospitals, universities, hotels and guest houses, places to eat and drinkplaces to visit and much more. They are 100% facts, figures and photographs. We know everyone's accessibility needs are different, which is why having detailed, accurate information is so important. It's why AccessAble send trained surveyors to check out every single place in person and why the information collected has all been decided by the people who use it.

Users can check out access information for venues across the UK before they leave home or on the move using AccessAble’s App and website.