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Message from our partners: Joint statement from Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire’s Directors of Public Health

Last updated: 23/12/2021

Please have your Covid-19 vaccine, now. Getting your booster is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.

The Omicron Covid-19 variant is highly transmissible and case numbers are doubling every two days in our area. This means that by 31 December we can expect one in five people to have Covid in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Having your Covid-19 booster will give you added protection against Omicron but the longer you wait to have your booster, the more likely you are to catch Covid. Side effects from vaccination don’t last long and are nothing compared to having Covid.

We have lots of capacity for vaccinating between now and the end of December. Our clinics are open until 24 December and start up, again, on 27 December.

Please respond to the invitation from your GP to book your booster or visit www.grabajab.net for all local options, including walk-in clinics and a link to the National Booking System. If you have already booked an appointment in the new year, but are able to have your booster sooner, you can rebook via the National Booking Service or attend a walk-in clinic, but please remember to cancel your other appointment.

From the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Directors of Public Health

Sara Blackmore, Director of Public Health for South Gloucestershire Council
Christina Gray, Director of Public Health for Bristol City Council
Matt Lenny, Director of Public Health for North Somerset Council