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UHBW maternity services rated as Good

Last updated: 01/03/2024

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust maternity services have once again been rated as Good by the Care Quality Commission.

The report has been published following an inspection in December 2023, at St. Michael’s Hospital in Bristol, and for Ashcombe Birth Centre at Weston General Hospital. This is the first time Ashcombe Birth Centre has been rated as a standalone service. It was rated as Good for being Safe and Well-led.

St. Michael’s Hospital retains its ratings of Good for Well-led, and Requires improvement for Safe.

The inspection was carried out as part of CQC’s national maternity services inspection programme. The focused inspection of our maternity service looked at the Safe and Well-led key questions.

Professor Deirdre Fowler, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust Chief Nurse and Midwife, said:

“We welcome the CQC’s report, and the rating of Good for both St. Michael’s Hospital in Bristol, and a first-time rating at Ashcombe Birth Centre at Weston General Hospital.

“We are proud the CQC has recognised a culture that places people’s care at the heart of the service, and our team’s understanding and work to reduce inequitable maternity outcomes for ethnic minority and disadvantaged groups. Also, creating an open and honest environment where families and colleagues can raise concerns, and have their trust that they will be investigated thoroughly.

“The CQC also recognised a culture where our staff feel respected, valued and supported, where staff development, service improvement, and individual career progression are encouraged, promoting equality and diversity in daily work.

“While we are pleased with the inspectors’ findings and their endorsement of many aspects of our services, we reiterate our commitment to continuing the development of our maternity services and addressing the necessary areas for improvement.

“We are immensely proud of our talented colleagues, whose commitment to our patients, and their care have been recognised in this report.”

The CQC rating for University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust remains as Good overall.

The report has been published on the CQC website.