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UHBW nurse attends special event hosted by His Majesty The King on his birthday

Melody Potdar with His Majesty The King

UHBW Nurse Melody Potdar meeting His Majesty The King

A nurse at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) was invited to attend a special occasion at Buckingham Palace yesterday (14 November).

At the event, Melody Potdar, International Educated Nurse Workforce Development Lead at UHBW, joined nurses and midwives from across the UK to celebrate the contribution of nurses and midwives working in healthcare. The occasion also marked His Majesty The King’s birthday.

Melody, who has worked at the Trust for the past 21 years, said: “I feel incredibly honoured to have attended His Majesty's reception, celebrating the immense contributions of nurses and midwives to our healthcare system.

“I also had the wonderful opportunity to personally wish His Majesty The King a Happy Birthday during our face-to-face interaction, which made the event even more special."

Professor Deirdre Fowler, Chief Nurse and Midwife at UHBW, said: “Nurses and midwives play a vital role in the healthcare system and we’re continuously proud and thankful for the Trust’s hardworking and devoted workforce. I’m thrilled Melody was able to experience such a special occasion and join others to celebrate the significant contribution of nurses and midwives.

“I am sure she has taken a lot away from the event and wish to thank her for her ongoing commitment and contribution to Team UHBW!”

Melody Potdar Buckingham PalaceMelody Potdar outside Buckingham Palace
